• Monday: 10am-5pm
  • Tuesday-Wednesday: Closed
  • Thursday: 10am-5pm
  • Friday: 10am-7pm
  • Saturday: 10am-5pm
  • Sunday: 10am-5pm

1606 Paseo de Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
[email protected]


Etched in Light

Cassils, Human Measure, 2021-ongoing, cyanotype, image courtesy of the artist

Billboard Project

Etched In Light channels the affective energies of lie-ins, die-ins, and the historic NAMES Project AIDS Memorial Quilt. These billboards embody the presence of trans* and non-binary bodies, capturing moments of intimacy, resilience, and tender connection. The billboards represent details from Cassils's large-scale cyanotypes, which were created with the National Center for Transgender Equality and over 100 trans* artists at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., on Transgender Day of Visibility, March 31, 2024. Performers were invited to lie upon a 15 x 60-foot canvas coated in a photographic solution for 25 minutes, allowing the sun to register their exposure and water to develop a massive camera-free photographic print that emerged in real-time.

The collective body compositions interpret the themes of self-actualization and empowerment against an antagonistic political backdrop where trans* people face severe discrimination, stigma, and systemic inequality. This work continues Cassils's engagement with questions of trans* visibility: exploring abstraction as a tactic that refuses the surveilling and voyeuristic gaze leveled at trans* bodies. Simultaneously, Etched In Light creates a powerful testament to LBGTQIA+'s history, endurance, presence, and active resistance.

Etched in Light Billboard Project is part of Movements, Cassils’ solo exhibition, on view from November 15, 2024, through February 3, 2025.

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Cassils is a transgender artist who makes their own body the material and protagonist of their performances. Cassils's art contemplates the history(s)...LEARN MORE

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